The Popham Model Show 2021

On the 21st & 22nd August the Southern Area BMFA organised in conjunction with the Popham Airfield Manager what is hoped to be a regular fixture on the calendar for the Southern Area’s modellers.                                                                                                                                                                                                                The Popham Model Show.

Due to COVID, planning was all progressed on the basis that the show may not go ahead if the pandemic situation worsened, and a Go – No Go date for a decision was set for the 1st of July, just 7 weeks before the event was due to take place. Obviously this caused some restrictions on what could be arranged without incurring considerable cancellation fees should the decision go the wrong way, but in the event it did go ahead and all thought it was a great success given these restriction’s.

Around 60 pilots were contacted and kindly registered to take part, these included some of the best exhibition pilots from around the country to some to club level pilots, between them exhibiting a vast array of different models of all classes and types.


An article placed in the RCM& E by John Bristow of deluxe materials:

The good news is that the event proved very popular, even given the lack of publicity afforded to it, and confirmed the show will be repeated in 2022 on the 20th & 21st August, and planning has already started.

With the extra planning time many things will be improved, many lessons having been learned following  the first show.          These include:                                                                                           Better advertising                                                                                More Trade stands, we expect 20 or more.                                          A bigger Swapmeet, several tables.                                                        A better Bar and more Catering outlets.                                                Ice cream vans.                                                                                          Improved Toilet facilities

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those that came forward to assist in the running of the show, all of the Pilots that made the show the success that it was and last but not least a big thank you to Mike Pearson the airfield manager and all of his staff for making this marvellous venue available to us.                                                                                                                                                                Remember the date:                                                                                                                                                                                                      20th & 21st August 2022