Southern Area
The Southern Area of the BMFA covers 71 clubs and 5 Youth Groups in Hampshire, Berkshire and Dorset, it also covers the Isle of Wight & the Channel Islands. It is one of the areas providing representation at national level for model flyers in all regions of England and Northern Ireland. Scotland is represented separately by the Scottish Aeromodellers Association (SAA).
Areas are part of the hierarchy of the BMFA which is often overlooked but provide a link between clubs and the national association.
1. East Anglia
2. London
3. Midlands
4. Northern
5. North East
6. North West
7. South Midlands
8. South East
9. Southern
10. Western
11. Mid West
12. South West
13. Northern Ireland

The Area committee is made up of representatives from each of the clubs, and area chief examiners. The committee elects a number of officers at the at their AGM to manage the day to day running business of the Area. The current officers are listed under the "Committee" heading. The committee is required to meet a minimum of three times a year, in addition to the AGM. The Area receives an annual grant  from central BMFA funds (currently around £1500.00).

The Area Committee functions are:

Achievement Scheme: The Area appoints and ratifies Area Chief Examiners and Area Chief Instructors, who are responsible for managing the Achievement Scheme within the Area, including Workshops.

BMFA Councils: The Area Committee sends a Council Delegate to the Full Council meetings (three per year) and the Areas Council meetings (twice per year). The Council Delegate provides the link between the Area Committee and the BMFA Executive. Area Committees can submit proposals to Council meetings through their Delegate.

Public relations: The BMFA central office frequently delegate attendance at local model shows and events to Area Committees. Southern Area attends the South West Model Show at Bovington Tank Museum, Wartime Wallop at the Museum of Army Flying, and Medstead RC Model Show, in addition to providing support to the BMFA stand at the London Model Engineer Exhibition and the Power Nationals. The BMFA Areas have been tasked with coordinating Flightfest events in 2020.

Area Events: The Area Committee coordinates Area-wide events, open to all BMFA members. The annual Balsa Brain quiz, the Odiham Free-flight Gala, the eSoaring League, and the Southern Area Gala day at Middle Wallop are examples.

Club support: The Area Committee is the first port of call for clubs in difficulty. The Area also has equipment for use by member clubs at fly-ins and Flightfest events (two marquees, generator, display board, banner flags, flight simulator) and can source BMFA material and freebies. Events should be arranged to to break even, but should external influences such as bad weather cause a loss to be made, the Area has a fund that can be used to help mitigate the loss. We also promote the BMFA by contacting the schools in the area to promote aeromodlelling by offering talks and arranging club visits.

Awards: The Area Committee from time to time make a special presentation to someone who has gone far beyond the normal expectations for the good of Aero-modelling, the Area and the General hobby. The committee are always open to suggestions of deserving candidates for this award.

In general the Area promotes aeromodelling as a hobby as well as a sport, to take advantage of the increase in leisure time. Often the opportunity is taken to combine the enjoyment of model flying with the raising of funds for charity. Information on the Southern Area's activities are contained in occasional newsletters published online and circulated to clubs.